Industry Practical Placements
Information for students

Stand out from the crowd with industry experience

Gaining the job of your dreams can be very competitive, so it is important to stand out from other applicants. Having industry experience on your resume is a great way of doing this! The skills and experience gained during Practical Placement in industry will be highly regarded by employers. 

Some students completing placement are offered employment by their host employer. Even if not offered employment, you may gain valuable contacts who are able to provide a reference to other employers, or even refer you to other suitable jobs. Either way, a Practical Placement will boost your chances of employment!

Student benefits from participating in Practical Placement include:

  • gaining first-hand industry experience 
  • greater understanding of course content and industry-specific training to enable a positive transition to employment 
  • critical workplace 'soft skills' such as problem-solving, time management, leadership, and teamwork skills 
  • providing insight into industry career and study pathways opportunities.

Some courses have compulsory Practical Placement, and others have optional (value-add) Practical Placement. Wodonga TAFE has dedicated Practical Placement Officers to guide you through the Practical Placement process.

Check out the lists below for all our courses offering Industry Practical Placements.



Guide for students

Register your interest

The Victorian Early Leaver Connection Initiative (VELCI)

Sometimes the change from secondary school to another education, training or work pathway can be challenging.  The Victorian Early Leaver Connection Initiative (VELCI) Career Advice Service is a free and voluntary service that provides career, training and education advice to support exempted students to stay engaged in their approved education or training and/or employment pathway.

The VELCI Career Advice Service will help you keep pursuing education, training and work that fits your strengths and interests. It includes:

  • regular check-ins from your local Skills and Jobs Centre to ask you how you are doing
  • somebody to call if you have any questions, or if you are worried about your education, training or work
  • career, training and education advice sessions with a qualified career counsellor
  • help with making appointments at other support organisations, if you need it.

The Wodonga Skills and Jobs Centre VELCI service supports the following local government areas: Alpine, Benalla, Indigo, Mansfield, Towong, Wangaratta, and Wodonga. We will collaborate with local providers in these regions to ensure you receive the best possible experience!

Friendly service  

Your future your way

Get in touch today or 1300 698 233

Student guide for industry practical placements


In undertaking practical placements there is an expectation to:

  • complete the Work, Health & Safety unit prior to placement.
  • treat the placement workplace host as an employer by:
  • maintaining professional courtesy and etiquette
  • respecting the rights, beliefs, and values of others
  • being punctual to work and notifying the employer and Wodonga TAFE if unable to attend
  • complying with workplace rules and procedures
  • wearing the required uniform or dress code and using personal protective equipment as required
  • maintaining privacy and confidentiality of workplace information or activities
  • taking guidance and direction from the workplace supervisor
  • complying with all reasonable and lawful directions
  • not using mobile phones during placement for personal usage
  • completing all assessment tasks and paperwork required of the placement
  • being proactive and responsible in learning - seeking out experiences if possible
  • asking questions and clarifying any details
  • reporting incidents and accidents to the supervisor and Wodonga TAFE without delay
  • being 'work-ready' in attitudes and values

There are four important ethical work standards that must be demonstrated by students as they work through their studies, prior to being deemed ready for work placement. These are:

  • personal presentation: dressing in a manner suitable to the work context.
  • time management: meeting scheduled deadlines for tasks and being punctual to classes and scheduled meetings.
  • behaviour: demonstrating appropriate alignment with professional codes of conduct, in group settings and in out-of-class activities.
  • communication: demonstrating communication skills fundamental to working in industry.

The host employer will provide:

  • an induction to the work site.
  • a safe and healthy working environment.
  • a workplace supervisor to plan meaningful tasks relevant to the student's course and provide direct supervision.

Employers are not obligated to pay students, however payment may still be made if it is the employer's policy to do so. For futher information, please refer to the Victorian Practical Placement Guidelines for postsecondary students on practical placements


If practical placement is mandatory to the course, the workplace supervisor will be observing work scenarios which demonstrate the student’s ability to translate theory into practice through the placement experience. There is a requirement to sign off completed activities related directly to units of competency within the course.

If it is an optional industry Practical Placement, the workplace supervisor will be providing you with experiences directly in line with the skills you have learned in class.

Wodonga TAFE Employee




Contact Wodonga TAFE via the form or the methods below. You will be connected with Wodonga TAFE's Industry Practical Placement Coordinator.

Call 1300 698 233

SMS/Text Message 0480 072 590


You can also reach out to us via Live Chat on this site and through any of our social media channels!

Visit Us

87 McKoy Street, West Wodonga, Vic 3690

Business Hours

Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm

Postal address

PO Box 963, Wodonga, Vic 3689
1300 698 233
RTO: 3097