Understanding the Application Process

Understanding the application process

The application process and guide below is for our full qualification offerings, such as Certificates, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas.

Be sure to view the course requirements and details to make sure the course is right for you. If you're uncertain, please get in touch with us.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships applications and enrolments need to be done through an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider via an apprentice or trainee employer. Find out more via our website: Apprenticeships and Traineeships.

Step 1 - Apply for a course

Applying for a Wodonga TAFE course is easy!

  • Search for your preferred course on the Wodonga TAFE website
  • Select either 'Apply Now' to begin your application, or 'Enquire Now' to register your interest in the course. If the 'Apply Now' button is not available, that means the course isn't ready yet, so if you register your details via the ‘Enquire Now’ form we’ll let you know when it’s available.
  • To Apply Now, you will need to have your Unique Student Identifier (USI), which will provide you with an online record of your Australian education and training. Please have your USI ready if you already have one, or create your USI via the link.
  • Submit your application! You will then be contacted by our Customer Experience team with information about your Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment (see Step 2) and/or any other information requirements needed for your application to be completed.

Please note

  • Use a personal email address as this will be the primary means of communication with you.
  • Applying is free.
  • Applying is different to enrolment – you apply first, then if accepted, you can enrol.
  • You can apply for more than one course.
  • Applications can be withdrawn.
Step 2 - We'll be in touch + Next steps

Once Wodonga TAFE receives your application, our Customer Experience team will contact you via email regarding the next steps. This communication will include instructions to complete our LLN Assessment.

For our Health and Community Services courses only, application steps also involve an Application Requirements Questionnaire, and in some instances a Selection Interview. Please see Step 3.

What is the LLN Assessment?

LLN stands for Language, Literacy and Numeracy. The LLN Robot Assessment is a simple online assessment tool designed help you - it is not an exam or a test!

The LLN Assessment helps identify your skill levels with language, literacy, and numeracy, so if you need some additional help in some areas, we can provide you with the support you need to succeed. The LLN Assessment can also help identify if the course you're applying for is suitable for you.

Please note:

  • The LLN Assessment needs to be completed within one week.
  • You have 60 minutes to complete the LLN Assessment - take your time.
  • Check your emails (and Junk emails) to make sure you receive it as your application will lapse a week after being sent.
  • After successful completion of the LLN Assessment you will be contacted for a Pre Training Review (Step 4).

You will not need to complete the LLN Assessment if:

  • you have an existing qualification at the same level or above as the one you are applying for**.  You will need to provide evidence of this at the time of your Pre Training Review or Selection Interview, before proceeding to enrolment.
  • you are applying for the Diploma of Nursing as the ACER Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) assessment replaces it.

**If you are applying for the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment you are still required to complete the LLN Assessment as part of your course application.

View LLN Assessment tips here

Step 3 - Health & Community Services courses only - Questionnaire, Interview & CSPA

It's important that you view the 'Requirements' and 'How To Apply' tabs of these courses for extra information. For some courses, this may include the need to apply for a Working with Children’s Check and National Police Check.

Application Requirement Questionnaire and Selection Interview

The Application Requirement Questionnaire applies to all Health and Community Services courses. This involves completing a questionnaire regarding the requirements of the course.

Selection Interview

The Selection Interview only applies to the following Health and Community Services courses:

View Selection Interview tips here

ACER Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) assessment

The ACER Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) assessment only applies to Diploma of Nursing applicants and replaces the LLN Robot Assessment.

You will be sent an email following your application for the Diploma of Nursing, to book a time to come to our Wodonga campus and undertake your CSPA.

View ACER CSPA FAQs here

Step 4 - Pre Training Review

For all full qualification courses except the specified Health and Community Services courses

After your LLN Assessment is complete you will receive a phone call from Wodonga TAFE staff, usually within ten days following your application. We will discuss your course application, career goals, and the course requirements. This will take 10-30 minutes to complete.

If you do not have time to chat, we will reschedule a call with you at a time that suits.

There may be the possibility that your LLN skills need further work, or another qualification may be more suitable to you for at this time. If so, our Skills and Jobs Centre team will be in contact to discuss other options.

View Pre Training Review tips here

Step 5 - Course Offer and Enrolment

Now you have completed the application process and all it involves!

If you're successful in gaining a place within your chosen course, you'll be sent an official offer to Enrol. You will then need to complete your enrolment into that course.

Your enrolment is not considered complete until you have accepted your offer and organised your payment and/or funding arrangement.

All successful applicants are required to be enrolled prior to attending orientation.

If you have any further queries, please get in touch with us:

Email: info@wodongatafe.edu.au | Phone: 1300 698 233

Or reach out to us via web chat or our social media channels.

Tips and additional info

Below you can get some tips on preparing for the various steps in the application process. You can also find out how to apply for short courses and skill sets.

Applying for short courses and skill sets

Once you've found the short course or skill set you're after, select 'Apply Now', or 'Enquire Now' to register your interest if there's no current offerings.

Once you successfully complete your application, for many short courses or skill sets you will be required to pay online - once you submit your payment and accept the Terms and Conditions you will receive an email confirming your enrolment details.

Some courses don't require online payment, and many skill sets have Government funding available to reduce your out-of-pocket fees. For these, a Wodonga TAFE staff member will be in contact to discuss your application.

LLN Assessment tips

Wodonga TAFE has introduced Digital Capability into the LLN Assessment with the 'Digital Learning Readiness Questionnaire'. This platform has been developed to align with the new Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF). This additional questionnaire will give us an understanding of how you will be able to engage with digital technologies that may be used during the training process throughout your course. 

Please allow up to one hour to complete the LLN Assessment and be sure to take your time. You can make two attempts at the LLN Assessment.

Ensure you have access to a desktop computer, laptop or tablet (with a screen nine inches/233mm or bigger).

Do Use for LLN Do Not Use for LLN

If you cannot gain access to a suitable device to complete the LLN Assessment, please contact us and we can arrange for you to do it on campus at Wodonga TAFE.

Ensure you have speakers or headphones.

It is recommended that you're using the latest version of the following web browsers to complete the assessment: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.

Pre Training Review information

Our Pre Training Review staff will take into consideration all the information from your application and LLN Assessment to ensure that the course is going to be suitable for you.

For the Pre Training Review it's a good idea to think about the following things to discuss with us:

  • Your aspirations and interests in studying this course
  • Previous study you may have done
  • Identify if you have any challenges or barriers, and discuss support options available, and
  • Your digital capability.
Selection Interview Tips (applicable for specific Health and Community Services courses)

If required as part of your application for a Health and Community Services course, here are some helpful tips to prepare yourself for your Selection Interview.

  • Treat this like a job interview.
  • Prepare and research your course/career.
  • Think about what your motivations are for studying? Your passions?
  • Arrive early.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • Participate in the interview activities.
  • Think and talk positively about yourself.
  • Don't over-share personal information.



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