If you are considering massage as a profession or you just want to be familiar with basic techniques, this short course is the ideal one-day starting point. You will find out more about the profession, and be introduced to the theory and practical techniques for a full body massage sequence. No previous skills are required.
Delivery Methods
- On-campus – The majority of teaching and assessment is conducted on-campus
- McKoy Street, Wodonga Vic (Main campus)
When You Can Enrol
Apply online now via the ‘Apply now’ button.
Please note: If the course is not available for online application, register your details via the ‘Enquire Now’ form to be notified when future dates are scheduled.
1 day
Saturday 05 April, 9.00am-4.00pm
- There are no entry requirements for this course.
- Please bring to class: 3 large towels, 1 hand towel, 1 pillow case.
- As a student in this class you will be both giving and receiving massages during the course, so wear comfortable clothes.
- Please note the short massage courses do not qualify you to open a business and practise as a massage therapist, these are short introductory/special interest courses to give you the skills to provide massages to family and friends.
There are no assessment requirements for this short course.