National Work Health and Safety regulations state that all equipment used in an environment in which the normal use of electrical equipment exposes the equipment to operating conditions that are likely to result in damage to the equipment or a reduction in its expected life span must be tested and tagged. As such, the need for certification in order to be able to deem appliances and electrical equipment safe is necessary. This course provides training in the use of portable equipment for the testing and tagging of electrical appliances and leads. Designed for people who want to inspect, and test and tag appliances and leads up to 240 volts, it is an ideal skill and certification to have for small businesses and operators.
Tea and coffee provided. Please bring pen and paper.
Delivery Methods
- On-campus – The majority of teaching and assessment is conducted on-campus
- Trades Training Centre, Moorefield Park Drive, Wodonga Vic
When You Can Enrol
Apply online now.
Note: If course dates are not available, please register your details via the 'Enquire Now' form to be notified when course dates are scheduled, or to get in touch with our friendly Customer Experience team.
2 sessions (6 hours each)
Dates: (2 sessions - Tuesday & Wednesday)
2025 - 13 & 14 May, 5 & 6 Aug or 18 & 19 Nov
Time: 4pm-10pm
Location: Trades Training Centre (Building JW), 55 Moorefield Park Dr, West Wodonga, VIC
There are no entry requirements for this course, however we recommend that you have at least completed Year 10.
Information Sessions
"My certificate I received after successfully completing this course didn't have a number (ticket or licence number) on it. Why not?"
No number is necessary, and it is correct that their certificate does not have a number. The test and tag labels you would use in the workplace simply require the full name of the tester, and the company name the tester is representing, i.e. "Joan Study Wodonga TAFE".
If a tester wishes to have a number on their label, it must be relevant to that particular tester, i.e. employee number or date of birth.
"Does this course only cover 240V?"
Standards in this course cover single phase (240V) and poly (3) phase.
"How long is the Testing and Tagging competency valid for? Does it need to be redone?"
It is strongly recommended that Test and Tag course be redone every couple of years to keep up with legislative changes and regulation requirements.
The regulations state that specified electrical equipment used to perform certain work should be inspected, tested and tagged by a competent person.
Competency is acquired through up to date training of knowledge and skills to inspect, test and tag electrical equipment.
"Is this recognised in New South Wales?"
Yes – As this is an internally accredited course it is recognised in NSW and VIC because we are on the border, however if a client was to move to QLD or another state, they would have to do the course again.
"I'm an electrician - do I need to do this course?"
No – electricians do not need to do the Test & Tag course. Their electrical licence is a higher qualification and more proof of competency than the certificate they receive from this course.
The Standards state that any person doing the Testing and tagging must be competent and any electrician must already been competent or otherwise they would not have their electrician's licence.
The assessments will include the validation of underpinning knowledge, skills and attributes required to meet the course outcomes. You will be assessed on your own assessment of various appliances, leads and scenarios, and whether or not you deem them safe for operation.
Other Information
It is critical to note that people with this certificate are not automatically qualified to test and tag appliances and leads in all environments. For example, only suitably qualified electricians will be permitted to perform this function on construction sites or at many industrial sites. On some construction sites, even though you have just had your appliances tested and tagged by a qualified electrician, the site electrician must do it again before entering the site.
In other domestic and small business environments, where all power outlets are single phase 240 volts, it is the responsibility of the supervisor or owner of that premises / business to decide who is competent to carry out the testing and tagging function on appliances and leads in that environment.
The certificate that successful participants will receive at the completion of this course should help to provide evidence to these owners or supervisors in relation to the competency of the holder in the use of the equipment to carry out the testing and tagging function. Note that some individuals or organisations may require additional qualifications or experience before they are prepared to deem a person competent to carry out this function.
"My certificate I received after successfully completing this course didn't have a number (ticket or licence number) on it. Why not?"
No number is necessary, and it is correct that their certificate does not have a number. The test and tag labels you would use in the workplace simply require the full name of the tester, and the company name the tester is representing, i.e. "Joan Study Wodonga TAFE".
If a tester wishes to have a number on their label, it must be relevant to that particular tester, i.e. employee number or date of birth.
"Does this course only cover 240V?"
Standards in this course cover single phase (240V) and poly (3) phase.
"How long is the Testing and Tagging competency valid for? Does it need to be redone?"
It is strongly recommended that Test and Tag course be redone every couple of years to keep up with legislative changes and regulation requirements.
The regulations state that specified electrical equipment used to perform certain work should be inspected, tested and tagged by a competent person.
Competency is acquired through up to date training of knowledge and skills to inspect, test and tag electrical equipment.
"Is this recognised in New South Wales?"
Yes – As this is an internally accredited course it is recognised in NSW and VIC because we are on the border, however if a client was to move to QLD or another state, they would have to do the course again.
"I'm an electrician - do I need to do this course?"
No – electricians do not need to do the Test & Tag course. Their electrical licence is a higher qualification and more proof of competency than the certificate they receive from this course.
The Standards state that any person doing the Testing and tagging must be competent and any electrician must already been competent or otherwise they would not have their electrician's licence.