Gain the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid to infants, children and adults. This course is suitable for parents, early childhood educators or other persons caring for children who may be required to provide first aid in an emergency including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
This course is approved first aid, asthma and anaphylaxis emergency management training under the Education and Care Service Regulations (2011). This course is also available as ‘refresher’ training for people already holding a current First Aid in an Education and Care Setting certificate (please see 'Requirements' tab for additional information).
Delivery Methods
- On-campus – The majority of teaching and assessment is conducted on-campus
- McKoy Street, Wodonga Vic (Main campus)
When You Can Enrol
If dates are not available, please register your interest via the online 'Enquire Now' form to be notified when the next course intake is available.
1 Day Class or 2 Evening Classes (6 Hours)
Day class (New and Refresher)
- Dates to be advised, 9.00am-4.00pm on campus
Evening class (New and Refresher)
- Dates to be advised, 6pm-9pm (2 evening sessions)
Pre-learning Activities
All students enrolled are required to complete online pre-learning activities at least 24 hours prior to the class date. These activities are completed online via Moodle (our online learning platform), and you should allow 8 to 10 hours in total to complete the required readings and assessments. Evidence of completion must be provided on the first day of on-campus training. You will need to provide a current email address when enrolling to receive your Wodonga TAFE Online login instructions. Note: If you are completing a refresher course you are ALSO required to complete the pre-learning activities.
Refresher training
A copy of a current HLTAID011 first aid certificate/competency card (or equivalent) is required. Wodonga TAFE will recognise this qualification as ‘current’ if the expiry date is NOT greater than six (6) weeks of the proposed on-campus training date. The ‘original documents’ MUST be sighted by the Assessor.
Physical Capabilities
It is a requirement of this course that your practical demonstration of CPR must be performed on adult and child resuscitation manikins on the floor, and an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface. Students must be able to get up and down from a kneeling position on the floor in order to pass this course.
The assessments will enable students to demonstrate the underpinning knowledge, skills and attributes required to meet the course outcomes. A variety of assessment strategies to meet different student needs will be selected, including theoretical and practical assessment tasks. Note: It is a requirement of this course that your practical demonstration of CPR must be performed on adult and child resuscitation manikins on the floor, and an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm surface.