Social and Economic Impact

Wodonga TAFE's Social and Economic Impact

Wodonga TAFE engaged KPMG to undertake a Social and Economic Impact Study (SEIS). This analysis was completed for the year 2020, and we are very proud of the results. The SEIS report highlights key factors of Wodonga TAFE's success, and the evidence-based analysis shows just how much Wodonga TAFE impacts local industries and communities, be it directly through employment, course offerings, training partnerships, or its initiatives and advocacies.

As a regional Vocational Education and Training Provider, Wodonga TAFE is an outstanding example of the strength of the Victorian TAFE and training system which aims to develop skills that lead to real jobs. Support is given to courses that align to industry needs and workforce demands, have strong job outcomes, and are linked to Government priorities of greatest value to the Victorian economy. 

Located in the Hume region of northeast Victoria, Wodonga TAFE provides vocational education and training services to more than 9,000 learners, and offers over 190 courses: from non-accredited programs, accredited short courses, traineeships and apprenticeships, to Certificate II to Advanced Diploma programs. Qualifications are available across a range of industry sectors including agriculture and horticulture, engineering, hospitality, commercial cookery, leadership and business, arts and design, health and community services, and education.

Wodonga TAFE’s mission is to strengthen its local communities and industries by providing accessible and innovative learning that leads to positive outcomes for individuals and for industry. Wodonga TAFE maintains partnerships with industries and other universities across Australia to design programs that create job-ready graduates and to ensure curriculum and training opportunities are responsive and flexible to current and future industry demands.



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Wodonga TAFE's Social and Economic Impact


Wodonga TAFE employs over 740 staff, contributing over $44 million in wages in 2021, supporting local economies.


Wodonga TAFE delivers over 200 courses, traineeships, apprenticeships, and vocational education pathways to more than 9.000 learners, allowing them to specialise, reskill, and re-engage.

Fee For Service

Wodonga TAFE has less reliance on government funding, with a strong focus on fee for service work. This work makes up over 65% of total revenue, the highest in the VET sector.


Ranked #1 for student satisfaction and #1 for employer recommendation in Victoria in 2022.

VETStat Survey - Performance Accountability Framework 2022


Wodonga TAFE supports our local and regional communities, contributing over $81 million in GRP to the Hume Region, and supporting many community groups and initiatives.

Defence and Industry

Wodonga TAFE is the largest third-party Defence training partner, delivering training to over 4000 trainees across Australia per year. Wodonga TAFE also has strong partnerships with industry, supporting apprentices and trainees, as well as strategic links to benefit our communities.

Supporting the local economy

Wodonga TAFE’s operations directly contribute to local economic activity (as measured by expenditure, employment and value added in the tertiary education sector). These activities also drive additional indirect benefits, with businesses that supply Wodonga TAFE also spending in the local community to support their own operations (such as supplies, maintenance, and capital purchases) and through the spending of their employees in local businesses.

Social Impacts

Wodonga TAFE plays a pivotal role in strengthening regional and remote communities by providing increased access to education and skills training across multiple campus locations. Regional TAFEs such as Wodonga TAFE play a prominent role in their communities, and train proportionately more regional students compared to private training providers or higher education providers. 

Developing the community

Wodonga TAFE plays a role in developing the community by leading, coordinating, and participating in efforts to rebuild and reskill communities that have faced economic dislocation. Wodonga TAFE is committed to providing critical support in the Hume region and altering trajectories of economically disadvantaged communities. Wodonga TAFE supports initiatives such as Albury Wodonga FoodShare, Bushfires Initiatives, Lighthouse Project, Reconnect Program, Education First Youth Foyer, and much more!

Inclusive training

Wodonga TAFE provides a range of supports to meet the various needs of its diverse students. Current supports for students include distributing food for people in the community who are experiencing poverty, providing careers counseling supports, fee assistance, equity and disability support, youth support, and access to childcare centres. These supports provide assistance and  opportunities for members of the community to re-engage with formal education systems. Wodonga TAFE’s co-location with La Trobe University also supports pathways to further education.

Partnering with industry

Wodonga TAFE plays a key role in supporting the local region’s growth through its industry partnerships which are aimed at responding to the region’s skill shortages. Wodonga TAFE has long-standing relationships with local industry to meet demands for new industry skills. Wodonga TAFE also has corporate partnerships with a range of organisations including Australia Post, USG Boral, Linfox, Elders Ltd, Visy Industries, Bega Cheese, and the ADF.

Supporting the Defence sector

As the largest vocational education and training provider for the ADF, Wodonga TAFE is proud to support the Defence sector within the region and across Australia.

Making a positive impact.

Learn more about what Wodonga TAFE is doing to better serve our students, staff, communities and industries.

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