Respect and Equality at TAFE
Tuesday, 12 March 2024

From Monday 15 to Friday 19 April we're proudly supporting Respect and Equality at TAFE WEEK as part of a TAFE and Dual-Sector initiative to promote the importance of respect, equality and inclusion throughout our campuses and online platforms.
Respect and Equality in TAFE takes a whole of TAFE approach to preventing violence against women, because evidence tells us that we need to work across all areas of an institution to make lasting change.
At Wodonga TAFE we aim to draw together our entire TAFE Community in a joint commitment to the prevention of violence against women. We all have a role in creating a culture where gender stereotypes are challenged, and gender equality is actively promoted and modelled.
Keep checking back here as we add more links and information throughout the week!
Welcome Back to Term 2 + Respect and Equality at TAFE Launch Party
Wednesday 17 April 11:30am - 1:30pm @ McKoy Street Campus Quadrangle.
Free food, entertainment and information stalls.
Come on down and grab some BBQ, sweet treats and learn more about the RET campaign.
Respect and Equality at TAFE Online Launch Event 
Jump into RET Week by attending the Victorian TAFE Online Launch Event.
Keynote speaker Tarang Chawla will speak from his lived experience of gender-based violence and there will also be presentations from Our Watch and Respect Victoria. Please register in advance to receive a Zoom Link.
Monday 15 April 2024
12:00pm -1:00pm
Open to all staff and students.
Digital Resources and Links
Free Zoom/Teams background - Download
Promotional Flyer - Download
Our Watch - full website.
Please take a moment to watch this short video from OurWatch to explain Respect and Equity in TAFE - Changing the Story - YouTube
You can also see more information from the OurWatch site here.
In support of this commitment, People and Culture and Student Support and Experience are collaborating together to launch Respect and Equality at Tafe week from 15-19 April 2024 which is united across all Victorian TAFEs and Dual -Sectors commitment to our communities being a Place for Everyone.