Wodonga TAFE and The Centre for Continuing Education launch partnership to build support and educational pathways for students

Monday, 11 July 2022

 Wodonga TAFE and The Centre for Continuing Education Inc have partnered to deliver upon ‘The Future of Adult Community Education in Victoria 2020-25 Ministerial Statement’ and focus on providing support and education to adults with low prior educational achievement and outcomes.

The Ministerial Statement highlights the need to bring services together to ensure cohesive and interconnected education, training, and employment pathways for participants.

The MOU between Wodonga TAFE and The Centre will support participants through a combination of pre- accredited and Foundation courses provided by The Centre, to build their pathway to enrolment in further education qualifications and industry experience through Wodonga TAFE. Working with the Skills and Jobs Centre team at Wodonga TAFE, this initiative aims to build skills and confidence to enhance the work readiness and employability skills of participants, to successfully complete their individual learning journey.

Through this partnership a Learning Journey Advisor will support participants throughout their educational journey from The Centre’s foundation courses through to Wodonga TAFE’s certificate courses and work experience. This partnership approach offers a smooth and supported pathway for participants to gain the qualifications they want, and be ready for employment.

The Centre acting CEO Kerry Strauch said the partnership demonstrated how the Learn Local sector and TAFE can work together to meet local employment needs. “It is all about what education and support each participant needs to meet their goals. This partnership enables The Centre and Wodonga TAFE to tailor support and education to EACH individual. The result is outcomes for people, employers and our communities.”

Wodonga TAFE CEO, Mr Phil Paterson, said it was a wonderful opportunity to further consolidate a collaborative and collegiate relationship between The Centre and Wodonga TAFE. “This partnership will bring staff from both Wodonga TAFE and The Centre together to support better outcomes for our common clients and learners, and provides opportunities for collaborative exploration of innovative ideas, program design and concepts,” said Phil.

Staff from The Centre visited Wodonga TAFE's McKoy Street campus last Thursday 7 July 2022, to meet and formally launch the program together.



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