Kids on Campus Early Learning Centre celebrating 30 years of care

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Wodonga TAFE’s childcare centre, ‘Kids on Campus Early Learning Centre’ is proud to be celebrating 30 years of provision of childcare services to the local community. A morning tea with staff and attending children was held on Monday 11 April 2022, 10am-11am at Kids on Campus (access via Moorefield Park Drive entrance to Wodonga TAFE).

Director Donna Johan said everyone was very excited about the milestone and looked forward to the informal celebrations on site.

The Kids on Campus facility underwent a substantial rebuild and extension in 2021. The upgrade features three student learning areas for Wodonga TAFE’s students completing Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, and spaces for industry networking, professional development training and guest workshops.

Along with services in long day care, and family day care services for all families within the community, Kids on Campus offers both 3-year-old and 4-year-old Funded Kinder programs. The Kindergarten programs at Kids on Campus meet the eligibility criteria of the Victorian Government’s Kinder Tick branding, with programs led by a qualified teacher, provision of play-based learning, and funded by the Victorian Government.

Centre Director, Ms Donna Johan said the 4-year-old funded kinder program has been on offer for approximately 10 years. “We have certainly seen the benefits and opportunities for the children in setting them up successfully before starting their next journey into school”, said Donna, “The ethos of Kids on Campus is to ensure all children who come to our Centre are given the same opportunities to achieve school readiness, and we support their individualism emotionally and socially.

“We took the initiative last year and commenced our 3-year-old kinder program prior to the rollout of the Victorian government’s kinder funding for 2022”, continued Donna. “We are a very well-resourced service providing Early Years Programming to all children from ages 0-6 years. Our programs are supported by qualified educators and teachers, with continued improvements in our kinder program and across the Centre of the utmost priority for us.”


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