Community Services project enables student and industry consultation

Monday, 28 June 2021

A recent industry breakfast in The Valleys Restaurant brought together Community Services professionals from across our region for validation of course delivery at Wodonga TAFE. This was the culmination of a major course project for this year’s students in Certificate IV in Community Services at Wodonga TAFE, with feedback sought on items relevant to the TAFE’s Community Services course delivery.

The student-led project also sought input from previous course graduates with a survey that gathered their feedback on relevance of course content and their preparedness for employment within the Community Services industry.

Community Services teacher, Ms Cath Prior, said the industry and student consultation was a project developed and run by the students, with the Community Services course having a strong community development and group work focus. “This year’s project of seeking feedback from industry and past students gave the current student group an opportunity to step outside their current study and see their qualifications and learning from the perspectives of employees and employers”, explained Cath.

Cath said the consultation process and industry breakfast enabled a personalised way to bring industry together with current students, while also providing an opportunity to discuss the continued development of the Community Services qualifications to meet the real needs of the sector.

“The gathered feedback from past students who are now employees in the sector, along with industry practitioners provides us with valuable information about industry requirements, and what specific skills and knowledge graduates should bring into employment when they complete their Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications in Community Services with Wodonga TAFE.”

“Working together with our community partners ensures our Community Services courses offer what is required to address specific areas of need and contribute to the capacity building of our region.”



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