Wodonga TAFE nursing student excellence recognised at state award

Monday, 8 February 2021

Wodonga TAFE Diploma of Nursing student graduate, Ms Eboney Wolk, recently received the 2020 Aware Super/Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Victoria Branch: Diploma of Nursing Student of the Year Award for Wodonga Institute of TAFE.

Eboney was one of 56 nursing and midwifery students recognised with a 2020 Aware Super/ANMF (Vic Branch) student award via an online ceremony on Thursday 10 December 2020. The ANMF Awards is a prestigious event held annually to celebrate and recognise the achievements of nursing students from TAFEs, universities and other training providers throughout Victoria.

All students were nominated by their training providers, and Wodonga TAFE’s Nursing Program Coordinator, Ms Tracey Frampton, said Eboney was an outstanding candidate. “Eboney is a wonderful representative of her future profession, and we were very proud to put her forward for this award”, said Tracey, “Eboney was an outstanding student with all the traits we would like to see of a professional nurse, including empathy, compassion, respect, and understanding.”

Another award recipient was Ms Claudia Bryan who received the 2020 La Trobe University Wodonga campus student of the year award for the Bachelor of Nursing. Claudia successfully completed the Diploma of Nursing with Wodonga TAFE in 2017 - further recognition of the calibre of Wodonga TAFE’s Nursing graduates and the excellence of the TAFE’s nursing training program.



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