Support Services at Wodonga TAFE and what they can do for you!

Friday, 10 January 2020

Coming into the New Year means you may be about to start a new academic journey! This can be a bit of an adjustment and is generally very nerve wracking for those who are about to go into tertiary education.

Fortunately, if you’re coming to Wodonga TAFE we have a Support Services team who are there to support you throughout your studies.

Our Support Services team include, an Aboriginal Liaison Officer (ALO), a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO), General Counsellors, Careers Counsellors, Apprenticeship Support Officer (APO) and a Welfare Support Officer. Each of these can help you have the most beneficial and enjoyable time while you study at Wodonga TAFE.

If you’re not sure who you should go to, below is an outline of each position and what their role is:

  • Aboriginal Liaison officer:
    The ALO is committed to provide opportunities to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples to successfully complete their chosen course of study in an environment that is welcoming and culturally appropriate. The ALO can provide assistance for issues such as:
    -  Study skills
    -  Councillors
    -  Financial assistance
    -  Accommodation
    -  Career pathway planning
    -  Centrelink and ABSTUDY information
  • Disability Liaison Officer
    There are a whole range of services on offer for those who have a disability, mental illness, a medical condition or additional learning needs. Our supportive DLO is on hand to provide all the support you need to assist you in your study journey. Our DLO can ensure that appropriate strategies are put in place and can suggest and negotiate reasonable adjustment that can be made to ensure you successfully complete your studies.
  • General Counsellors
    A free, confidential counselling service is available to all students about any issues which may arise and present difficulties during a course of study. Our counselling staff are highly qualified, experienced and can help with issues such as:
    -  Adjustments to living away from home
    -  Financial stress
    -  Personal and relationship problems
    -  Health/mental health problems
    -  Study motivation, skills and time management or exam preparation
  • Careers Counsellor
    Offering the same level of support as a generalist counsellor, but tailored towards your career journey, our careers counsellors are highly experienced and can assist you with things such as:
    -  Career pathway opportunities
    -  Course selection
    -  Identifying your employability skills
    -  Acquiring job seeking skills
  • Apprenticeship Support Officer
    The ASO is on hand to assist apprentices aged 15-24 who are in the first year of their apprenticeship. The ASO provides confidential mentoring and welfare support to address any issues an apprentice may be facing, while helping them to stay engaged during their training and work.
  • Welfare Support Officer
    A free and confidential service for students with no appointment needed. Our Welfare support Officer is available 5 days a week and can offer a range of services including:
    -  Study payment plan assistance / study debt negotiation
    -  Student loans
    -  Food assistance
    -  Immediate concerns, either study or personal
    -  Transport advice
    -  Information/referrals to other support services at TAFE and also local community services.

If you think you may need an appointment with any of the above services, contact us on 1300 698 233 or book online at





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