Results and ATAR?

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Who’s getting excited, nervous, don’t care? Went well? Don’t think you did that great? Not looking forward to getting your result? Or really excited and can’t wait to find out? Some of the above?

After such a long time at school, sometimes it seems a big ask to pin all that effort on one result, one ATAR, one score that everyone thinks you need to start your future with!

Luckily, there’s choices. So many you say? Well, yes, there’s ALWAYS a chance to take another pathway to what you want. And there are SO many ways to get started on your working career, or your dream job! Remember, ‘your marks do not define you!’

Not everyone wants to change the world, not everyone wants to go away to university or live overseas!  But even if you do, you still have choices!

‘Pathways’, ‘choices’, ‘options’. All words to tell you that you can take the scenic route or the direct route to where you want to go. Whether you are sure you’re going straight to uni, or whether you’re aiming for an apprenticeship with a local tradie, or whether you haven’t thought past the summer job at a local café, these are all a great start on a training journey that will open doors to the next stage of your life!

And that’s where Wodonga TAFE can fit into your journey. Sometimes people need to work while they learn, so a part-time or online course can be the best choice (there’s that word again!). Or you might be able to stay at home and just go to Wodonga TAFE some days, or work at your job with TAFE in block release - think apprenticeship or trade, such as carpentry, engineering, agriculture, cookery and baking. All courses that you’ll find at Wodonga TAFE. Or you might even be continuing with your high school job in retail, cos you enjoy it and you’re damn good at it, so you can choose to fit one of our courses in business or early childhood education and care around your work hours.

Or you might feel you have no choice (that word) cos you can’t leave home, you have no money, you have no car, you have to look after people, you’re stuck! Luckily, there are small things you can get started on to make it so you do have choices. And that’s where our Skills and Jobs HQ can help you. There are Career Counsellors, our Youth Pathways Officer, or our Aboriginal Liaison Officer to talk with. They really know their stuff – that’s why we employ them!

At Wodonga TAFE we recognise that our young people are our future, so if you need support or someone to chat to who will help you find a clear decision or a small start, then come have that chat to find out what your options or pathway could be!

So great ATAR or not so great – or maybe you didn’t even go that way, there are definitely choices, pathways, options for you – and Wodonga TAFE is your first!




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