Wodonga TAFE supports fire victims through local GoFundMe charity

Monday, 25 November 2019

In response to the shocking fires that have been blazing throughout much of the east coast of Australia, Wodonga TAFE have chosen to support donation drive ‘Fire Feed Fund’ which was set up by local Chiltern horse trainer, Bruce Hughan on GoFundMe.

There was a call out on the local radio station whereby Bruce was asking the community for any type of support or donations possible to assist with those affected by the fires.

Some of Wodonga TAFE staff members banded together and spoke with DECA’s National Manager of Transport, Simon Macaulay, to find out what he could provide to assist this charitable cause.

After assessing what could be of most use to this cause, DECA are lending the use of one of their Prime Mover’s as well as a low loader trailer to take feed and fodder to the farmer’s in Northern New Sales Wales who are directly affected by the fires. These supplies will help farmers to be able to continue feeding their animals and keeping them alive during this bleak time.

“It’s great to give back to NSW communities as they assisted us in Victoria back during the devastating Black Saturday fires,” Simon Macaulay explained, “Wodonga TAFE has ties with many farmers, particularly in our Agriculture and Horticulture department and some of our teachers are also farmers and have students who are farmers also.”

“This makes the cause even more meaningful to us, as we are really reaching out and helping our friends.”

Transport Teacher for Wodonga TAFE, Alex Stojanovic, is also donating his time and expertise to the cause by offering himself as the driver of the truck. Alex will cover approximately 4000km throughout the journey, travelling from Wodonga to Byawatha to collect 30 large round hay bales and 4 pallets of feed and take them up to Walcha, NSW arriving round midnight tonight (Monday 25 November). He will make a second trip with another full load on Wednesday.

The community have really rallied around this cause, you can hear the radio interview with Bruce Hughan and Simon Macaulay with Lu & Matt on Triple M here https://www.triplem.com.au/shows/lu-and-matt

Bruce’s Go Fund Me page so far has raised $630 and are still accepting donations and any offers of assistance from the community is whole heartedly appreciated, you can find it here https://www.gofundme.com/f/fire-feed-fund

Wodonga TAFE are proud to be a member and supporter of community outreach programs. You can keep up to date with our news and events on our website www.wodongatafe.edu.au/whats-on/news



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