Work ConnectED 2019

Thursday, 31 October 2019

On October 24, Wodonga TAFE successfully hosted the borders largest career event, Work ConnectED.

In collaboration with TAFE NSW, Wodonga TAFE hosted Work ConnectED, with the aim of connecting job seekers, career changers and students with potential employers within the Albury Wodonga region.

Work ConnectED included various interactive activities from over 40 businesses, allowing participants to build relationships with a potential future employer and gain an insight of what it takes to succeed in their field.

Major companies within Albury Wodonga were represented at Work ConnectED, including Victoria Police, Vitasoy, The River Deck and covered multiple professions including engineering, emergency services and customer service.

The River Deck showed participants the requirements of making a coffee by putting Wodonga TAFE’s coffee lab in use, while hospitality students gave individuals the chance to decorate cookies that they could then eat or take home. Victoria police were a big hit with not one, but two police vehicles, including a highway patrol car.   

The day was a huge success, with students participating in the event in the morning and members of the public coming along in the afternoon.

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