Wodonga TAFE's initiative to reduce unemployment

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

On 10 October, Wodonga TAFE hosted an Employment Market Seminar, featuring discussions targeting the employment service businesses as well as Wodonga TAFE staff.

Ivan Neville, Assistant Secretary of the Labour Market Research and Analysis Branch, presented information on the employment industry within the Albury Wodonga region, highlighting where the gaps are and the highest and lowest employment rates for industries within the district.

Throughout the session, Ivan discussed the comparison between unemployment within the Wodonga region and at a national level.  This included statistics based on unemployment within specific industry sectors, apprenticeship and traineeship data and tertiary level education figures.     

The seminar was very beneficial to the staff at Wodonga TAFE with the opportunity to listen to advice regarding current employment market trends and the ability to consider this information in the presence of a market research specialist. The staff were able to explore ideas of how to target specific segments relevant to Wodonga TAFE and discuss what strategies the government was working on to decrease unemployment levels within Victoria.

Throughout the afternoon, Ivan brought to light the challenges this region faces in regards to unemployment and the perceptions some industries have with being female or male orientated. He also highlighted what employers have said they want in a worker, with relevant work experience being the main priority. Ivan revealed that the majority of trades within Victoria and New South Wales are in a shortage, with motor mechanics being top of the list in Victoria and NSW, while automotive electrician is top on a national level.

Wodonga TAFE's staff found the session very enlightening and found that it created the opportunity to start a conversation about unemployment and what else Wodonga TAFE can do to reduce unemployment levels within both the Albury Wodonga region and Australia as a whole.

If you are unemployed and need help finding you next career, visit the Wodonga Skills and Jobs Centre. They are your one-stop shop for anything career related and can help you get on track and find your next profession. www.wodongatafe.edu.au

Contact the Skills and Jobs Centre on 1300 698 233 or email info@wodongatafe.edu.au.


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