Quad Bike Training Short Course Open for Enrolment

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Correct training on the safe operation of dangerous equipment is imperative to minimising risk of injury or death. This is true also with the correct operation of quad bikes, with statistics now showing there has been an average of 16 deaths a year in Australia since January 2011. *

Our Quad Bike Training course (ASQUADBIKE01) has a major focus on ensuring all participants learn about safety requirements including:

  • Understanding weight restrictions
  • Correct PPE while riding
  • Active rider movement
  • Loading and unloading on transport
  • Correct breaking & emergency breaking

A theory component is completed before participants are able to complete practical work on the quad bike to ensure riders understand all safety aspects.

After completing the theory, students get to operate the quads over a range of different conditions & terrains; exposing them to the types of environments that they may ride through in the future.

The course also ensures there is a focus on maintaining equipment in order to maintain the life of the quad bike, which in turn ensures its ongoing safety.

“Participants get an immediate benefit completing the course, as they receive the nationally recognised unit of AHCMOM212 (Operate quad bikes), which many employers are actively seeking in order to help promote a safe workplace and safe workers,” explains teacher Paul O’Reilly.

“Training can be completed at the Wodonga TAFE campus, or onsite at employer’s grounds for suitable group sizes.”

The course is relevant to riders of all expertise, from those wanting to get their first try on a quad bike, to those who have been riding for years, everyone will learn something positive from the course which will enhance their experience and skill level in quad bike riding.

The next intake for our 1-day Quad Bike Training course is for September 2 and runs from 8.30am – 4.30pm. If you would like to know more about our quad biking training, or to enrol in this short course, please visit our website www.wodongatafe.edu.au/courses/ASQUADBIKE01/Quad-Bike-Training or call customer service on 1300 698 233.


*statistic source https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/quad-bikes


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1300 698 233
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