Funding and Support for Long-Term Unemployed

Monday, 6 August 2018

Wodonga TAFE have secured Government Funding to assist long-term job seekers on their often difficult quest for employment. The Reconnect Program is aimed at those who meet a specific set of criteria and are often more disadvantaged when it comes to being selected for work opportunities. The program’s main aim is to assist these people to gain a useful set of skills or even qualifications that in turn will help them become more employable.

It offers a complete wraparound support to assist those looking to get back into the workforce to engage with training and education that supports a chosen career pathway. Participants are supported one on one by a mentor who will work closely with them to determine their specific needs, where their strengths and interests lie and help whatever barriers may be holding them back.

These barriers tend to induce an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness and people often find it difficult to know where to start. Having a mentor can provide much needed advice and point them in the direction to solutions they may not have realised were even available to them.

Currently Wodonga TAFE have a team of dedicated staff on site, as well as some who visit rural towns on a weekly basis to support the participants of this program. There are funds available to them to help pay for the fees of the training and can even assist with transport to and from their educational providers. They are currently working with a varied demographic of participants ranging from stay-at-home mums whose qualifications are out of date, young people with transport difficulties as well as long-term unemployed who have no current educational skills.

There is no cost involved for participants of the Reconnect Program, they only need to meet the following criteria to be eligible.

-          Not completed year 12 or equivalent

-          Not completed Certificate II or above

-          Not in full-time employment

-          Aged between 17-64 (17-19 not currently in school)


Interested participants are encouraged to contact Wodonga TAFE for more information on 1300 MY TAFE (1300 698 233) or email


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