Community Project - Burraja Bush Tucker Garden Launch

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

As part of a group partnership project, Wodonga TAFE joined forces with Wodonga Council, Burraja, Gateway Health, Victorian State Government Justice and Community Safety and Wodonga Aboriginal Network to create an Aboriginal cultural garden, Burraja Bush Tucker Garden.

The plan was originally created back in 2010, with works being halted for various reasons and was then revived when Wodonga Council hired an Aboriginal Liaison Officer who had been a part of the original proposition.

The Aboriginal Liaison Officer was tasked with assisting in a rehabilitation program involving Victorian State Justice and Community Safety Department, and was successful in attaining funding to enable the project.

The development of the garden has taken 12 months to complete with the participants assisting throughout the entire process. The participants involved were all of Aboriginal descent and this task assisted in them developing skills that could be transferable to the workforce upon conclusion of their sentence.

Various Wodonga TAFE departments worked together to complete the gardens construction with the participants gaining experience in metal fabrication and engineering pegs for pathing.

The project has stayed true to its Aboriginal heritage, with all plants being culturally important and a sandpit constructed with the garden to pass on the skills of animal tracking.

Kevin Albert is Wodonga TAFE’s Horticulture Teacher, Kevin Albert, spent much time working on the garden throughout the course of the project. He noted that a number of participants who assisted were inspired to find out more about their own culture and to ensure that they passed on knowledge to their children for the future.

“It has been very rewarding seeing participants gaining skills they can utilise and seeing the satisfaction they got from being a part of the garden creation. After a long road it’s amazing to see how the area has transformed.”

The Burraja Bush Tucker Garden is open to the public for use at any time, as well as offering guided tours which will discuss the importance of all parts of the design.

Wodonga TAFE are proud to be immersed into the fantastic border region community. If you would like to know more about our projects, or to search our community services courses please contact our friendly customer service team on 1300 398 233 or visit our website at 


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