NDS Wodonga Jobs Fair: Careers in Disability

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

With the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) the disability workforce across the Ovens and Murray area is predicted to grow by 40% by the end of 2019. Previously a key concern for service providers in the sector is the attraction and retention of employees, the NDIS being successful depends on having a sufficient workforce in all parts of Australia.

This project seeks to address some of these workforce challenges by hosting local jobs fairs which bring together disability service providers and key stakeholders with job seekers and students.

Wednesday’s Jobs Fair runs from 10am – 2pm and provides a platform for organisations to promote their employment opportunities to community members in attendance and for job seekers and students to explore career pathways. The event also includes representation from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) and initiatives from NDS including ProjectABLE and Care Careers.

There will be the opportunity for job seekers to talk face to face with organisations to learn about jobs, training, education and career options in the disability sector. Throughout the day there will be information sessions on the benefits of working with people with a disability and opportunities to have questions answered. There will be a jobs board displaying current available positions and the chance to meet potential employers.

For exhibitors there is the chance to connect directly with job seekers and students and to have the opportunity to utilise the platform for promoting the work they do and the opportunities they currently have available.

The event will be held at Wodonga TAFE The Valleys Restaurant, Building G, 87 McKoy Street, West Wodonga at 10am – 2pm.

Job seekers are invited to attend this free event, there will be free catering and door prizes drawn throughout the day.

For further information please visit the NDS website at www.nds.org.au or call 03 83414338 or to see if there are still places available for registration see the links below.

Job seekers: https://wodongajobsfairjobseekers.eventbrite.com.au

For more information on Wodonga TAFE and their disability course offerings please visit our website at www.wodongatafe.edu.au or call 1300 698 233


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