Graduates Work-Ready for Community Services and Health sector
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Wodonga TAFE’s Community Services and Health ‘Class of 2018’ celebrated their graduation earlier this week, at The Cube Wodonga.
Attendees, including employers and industry guests, had the opportunity to hear the inspiring story of guest speaker, Mr Liam Shay, and student awards were then presented by representatives from Wodonga TAFE’s industry partners.
Strong relationships and partnerships with organisations from the Community Services and Health sector ensures students receive high quality training relevant to current industry needs, including placement arrangements, employment options, and sponsorship opportunities. Placement opportunities often lead directly to employment for students, with a significant percentage of the graduates now in employment in their chosen industry sector.
The employment outlook for the graduates is extremely positive with Health Care and Social Assistance sector employment projected to increase by 14.9 per cent over the next five years. (Source: 2018 Industry Employment Projections - Report, Labour Market Information Portal,
Wodonga TAFE is proud to be one of the largest providers of Vocational Education and Training to the Community Services and Health sector in the North East region. Training is provided across a diverse range of industry areas that includes nursing, education support, disability, community services, fitness, outdoor recreation, massage therapy and remedial massage, myotherapy, health services and allied health assistance, leisure and health, individual support (aged care, home and community), and early childhood education and care.