Commercial Cookery apprentices to represent region in AUS-TAFE state finals this week

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Five Wodonga TAFE-trained Commercial Cookery apprentices have won places to compete in the State final of the AUS-TAFE 2018 Culinary Trophy in Melbourne this Thursday 13 September 2018. 

The apprentices recently competed in the regional finals that were held at Wodonga TAFE, with competitors serving dishes that were judged on creativity, hygiene, presentation, cooking skills, taste, and served within set time constraints. All dishes presented were of an exceptionally high standard with two silver and three bronze medals awarded to Wodonga TAFE students. The medal winners will be competing against the best in the state, with the finals being held at the ‘Fine Food Australia’ trade exhibition this week at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Wodonga TAFE students who are competing in the Victorian state final are Chelsea McGuire (3rd year apprentice, employed by Brick Lane Albury, Rory Stones (2nd year apprentice, employed by Taste Rutherglen and Ripe and Bulla), Stephen Klafuric (2nd year apprentice, employed by New Empire Hotel Beechworth), Ben Warhurst (1st year apprentice, employed by Bean Station), and Lorraine Spargo (1st year apprentice, employed by Star Hotel Yackandandah). Menu descriptions from the apprentices include the following dishes:

  • Sous Vide Lamb Backstrap, Smoked Goats Cheese Mousse, Charred French Onion, Petit Pois & Macadamias, Turned, Fondant Potatoes, Sherry Jus, Mustard Cress.
  • Two-egg Omelette with Cheese, Snapper Dumplings, Saffron Broth, Tapioca Pearls, Edamame, Apple Brined Chicken Kiev, Petit-pois-a-la-francaise, Potato and Parsnip Cream.

Wodonga TAFE Cookery teacher, Ms Sarah Whitling, said that the apprentices benefit from the opportunities to test and showcase their skills in the competition. “This is the perfect place for students to demonstrate their own skills and knowledge, and test their ability to perform in a high-pressure environment. The AUS-TAFE competitions also give the students additional exposure to industry expectations, along with some great networking opportunities.”

The winners at the State final will then compete in the National final later this year. 

Photo: Chelsea McGuire, Commercial Cookery apprentice, prepping for an event in the commercial kitchen at Wodonga TAFE. 


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