Wodonga TAFE services available at Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

As part of new efforts for Wodonga TAFE to become better involved and accessible for the small local communities, there are a number of partnerships that are being developed this year.

One such partnership that will see the launching of a range of programs, is with Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre (MNC). On a regular basis, Wodonga TAFE representatives will be spending time at the MNC to offer services of support, advice and build relationships with local businesses, employers and industry groups.

Scott O’Brien leads a team of community engagement staff for Wodonga TAFE and has been operating a few free BBQ days at local pools throughout the hot summer.

“We really are dedicated to engaging with local communities and letting them know that we are here and we are available for them.”

“We want them to know that they are not forgotten, they are valuable and there are many opportunities for them to further their careers, study, or even just build skills or get job seeking assistance.”

“Wodonga TAFE offers impartial advice for anyone and everyone, so come on down to the MNC and let us help you with whatever barriers you might be facing.”

The launch of the MNC and Wodonga TAFE partnership will be held on Thursday 31 January at 11am, there will be morning tea provided and is an open invitation for the local community.

Services to be available at Myrtleford Neighbourhood Centre


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