Uni offers are on the way – what next?
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Still not sure about your options? Talk to us and take the pressure off…
If you’re kicking around your options for uni or further study, or looking for work instead of more study right now, our careers counsellors offer free and impartial advice that can help get you sorted.
They can help you plan your career pathway. And if you need further support, then our qualified counsellors are available to talk to… no decision making necessary.
Or if your uni offer is in and you didn’t get what you wanted or the score you needed for entry into your dream course right now, then there are other ways to get there – starting straight away!
At Wodonga TAFE, there are plenty of options and helpful advice that's free.
Have you thought about your pathway through TAFE to uni?
Come to TAFE first, and gain credit for your study into a university degree.
Our ‘Career Direct’ program offers you many ways to complete a diploma or advanced diploma here at Wodonga TAFE then continue on to university studies with our university partners. This choice enables you to gain credit for the studies you have already completed so you get ahead with your degree. Find out more about Career Direct
Or head to university via the Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation, which is part of Charles Sturt University's Pathway Program. This program offers a pathway to university if you would like to study at CSU but don’t meet the entry criteria, or require further preparation. It provides supported learning for recent school leavers. With this option, you will be an enrolled CSU student and will have full access to both CSU and TAFE services and support, including computer labs, libraries, and other facilities on campus. Find out more about the Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation and CSU's Pathway Program.
Maybe you’d rather go straight into employment and work right now?
As well as helping you work on your career pathway, our careers counsellors can also help you improve your knowledge of the world of work, and help you gain job-seeking skills.
Located in our new Skills & Jobs HQ, our careers staff offer practical, personalised and free advice to help you with your job and career options. Our careers staff can help you with updating your resume, job applications, interview preparation, and much more. Or book yourself into a free Skills and Jobs workshop. Find out more about the workshops.
So, whether you want to talk to someone about study and training options, or choose your TAFE to uni pathway, or go straight to employment, our staff can help you.
Drop into the Skills & Jobs HQ at our McKoy Street campus, book into one of our free workshops via our website, or phone or email for an appointment.
Phone 1300 698 233 or email info@wodongatafe.edu.au