Wodonga TAFE wins major national Australian Defence Force training contract

Monday, 7 May 2018

On Monday 7th May, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Army School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (ASEME) signed a five-year training contract with Wodonga Institute of TAFE that will see the TAFE, and its partners, deliver key technical trade training requirements for Defence personnel.  Included in the training contract will be courses for Army Vehicle Mechanics, Engineers, Electrical & Electronic Technicians, Refrigeration Mechanics, Carpenters, Plumbers, as well as the delivery of other specialised Army training courses.

Wodonga TAFE’s successful tender response saw the Institute partner with two other Victorian TAFEs, Box Hill Institute and Chisholm Institute, combining their training expertise, and achieving an unmatched training and service capability that promises to meet the high standards required by the ASEME and its personnel.

Key in the decision to go with the Wodonga TAFE led collaboration was not only clear evidence of a high quality, value for money training service, but a heightened level of confidence in the Institute’s capability to deliver on expectations.  Backed by the Victorian Government, Wodonga TAFE has become synonymous with delivering the highest quality training, earning the number one spot in Victoria for student and industry training satisfaction scores in 2017.

This will not be the first time the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and Wodonga TAFE have worked together.  For many years, Wodonga TAFE has supported the ADF by providing training to ADF Medics, Heavy Vehicle Operators and Forklift Operators.  The signing of this new contract will make Wodonga TAFE the largest provider of training services to the Army Logistic Training Centre (ALTC).

The winning of such a significant contract is incredibly good news for the local community.  Not only will approximately 100 trainers be employed by Wodonga TAFE to service the contract, but revenues earned through the contract will be invested back into the TAFE system, providing new opportunities to improve the critical services the TAFE offers to local people, businesses and our community.

Wodonga TAFE CEO Mark Dixon said ‘The significance of winning this new national Defence contract cannot be overstated.  The fact that Wodonga TAFE was able to take the lead in collaborating with two other Victorian TAFEs is something quite innovative and new to the Victorian TAFE sector.’

‘Where in the past Victorian TAFEs may have competed against one another, this new collaborative approach provides us with a united front.  We each have our specific areas of expertise, and by leveraging our combined expertise and resources, we can ensure Defence trainees are job ready and ready for their job’

Although the training contract is between Wodonga TAFE and ASEME, Box Hill Institute and Chisholm Institute will be critical players, by providing access to specialist trainers and training resources required for successful course delivery.

Wodonga TAFE Board Chair Allison Jenvey said ‘We are very pleased to see our already strong relationship with Defence being further enhanced with the signing of this very significant contract.

‘This is the largest training contract signed between a Victorian TAFE and Defence to date.’

‘Ensuring Australian Defence Force personnel receive the very best quality training is an area of no compromise, and the Wodonga TAFE led Victorian collaboration will deliver on this.’

The Hon. Gayle Tierney MLC, Victorian Minister for Training and Skills said ‘I congratulate Wodonga TAFE and its Victorian TAFE partners Box Hill Institute and Chisholm Institute for showing that Victorian TAFEs offer the best quality and value for money training in Australia.’

‘These three Victorian TAFEs have shown great leadership, demonstrating that by working together our public TAFE institutes have the capability to service large organisations that demand the very highest standard workforce training such as the ADF.’

‘Today’s announcement underlines how the Andrews Labor Government’s $820 million investment in our public TAFE system is restoring confidence in our TAFEs as the best providers of high quality, industry aligned training.’


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