Christmas has come early for Agriculture and Horticulture team!

Monday, 24 December 2018

Our Agriculture and Horticulture team are excited and raring to go for the 2019 year with the arrival of some new machinery! This machinery is a significant investment for the Agriculture and Horticulture departments, with some of the equipment being replaced having been part of the Facility for in excess of 10 years.


The new Toro Sprayer, Utility Vehicle and Corer will be invaluable in continuing our first class education to all students and apprentices. Giving students the ability to learn how to use the latest equipment.

(Utility Vehicle)

The Agriculture and Horticulture departments are proud of their relationship with Toro, with our 3rd year students invited to spend half a day to meet with Toro each year. This enables our students to learn about the latest technologies in the agriculture and horticulture industries, understand the changes between previous equipment and the newest models and to begin networking for the future.


Free TAFE for Priority Courses will reduce the barriers for students wanting to train in courses that lead to priority occupations – those in demand from employers in the Victorian economy. This is a Victorian Government initiative. Selected Agriculture and Horticulture courses are included - to find out more about Free TAFE for Priority Courses, including eligibility and course details Phone 1300 MY TAFE (1300 698 233) | Email


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Find the right training for the job you want! Don't let fees be a barrier - Wodonga TAFE has courses available under the Free TAFE initiative.

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