World Skills Australia


About WorldSkills

WorldSkills Australia’s purpose is to identify, demonstrate, promote and grow the excellence of Australia’s skills development.

Our skills-based competitions operate at regional, national and international levels, and are aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework. Our National Championship is Australia’s biggest vocational education and excellence competition.

You can learn more about WorldSkills here:

Future possibilities

Successful competitors have the opportunity to progress to a number of career-boosting pathways. In addition to potentially competing for Gold, Silver and Bronze medals in their chosen skill nationally, and even internationally as members of the Skillaroos – the WorldSkills Australia International Team – there are leadership programs and scholarships to enable young people to become the very best versions of themselves.

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How to enter

Regional competitions will be held at Wodonga TAFE on Wednesday 2 October.

The events include Hairdressing, Welding, Turning, & Automotive. 

Enter here.

Tanika - WorldSkills Australia 2023

During the recent WorldSkills competition, Tanika Zanghellini, a student at Wodonga TAFE, took home the bronze medal for her impressive hairdressing skills and composure throughout the three-day event.

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The Regional WorldSkills competition for Engineering will take place at Wodonga TAFE on Wednesday 2 October 2024.

Students can enter either the Turning or Welding category and will be required to show their knowledge on a range of skills taught to them throughout their studies. 

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The Regional WorldSkills competition for Hairdressing will take place at Wodonga TAFE on Wednesday 2 October 2024.

The WorldSkills Hairdressing Competition is designed to allow Competitors to show a range of specialist skills and knowledge towards Hairdressing services. These specialist services will include creative haircutting, enhanced hair designs, colouring and complex colour correction and more.

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The Regional WorldSkills competition for Automotive will take place at Wodonga TAFE's Logic campus on Wednesday 2 October 2024.

The regional competition for Automotive consists of five sections relating to various aspects of skills related to an automotive technician. 

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