Manufacturing 360 Videos

Career opportunities in the metal and fabrication industry are numerous with skilled tradespeople in extremely high demand. Jobs in this industry include roles in the design, fabrication, production, maintenance and service of mechanical, electrical or electronic systems and can be accessed through apprenticeships and tertiary study.

Click on the scene below to discover just a few potential careers in manufacturing and click on each person to learn more about what they do.

Please note: Some older computers may encounter slow playback, sync issues or stuttering when viewing videos within the 360 environment. To view the videos independently please expand the job roles below.

Factory Manager

Fitter & Turner Apprentice

Lead Hand and Boilermaker & Fabricator

Mechanical Draftsperson

Senior Mechanical Draftsperson

Courses in Manufacturing

Explore courses that can help you qualify for jobs in the manufacturing industry

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RTO: 3097