Civil Construction Pathways for Secondary Students (A3CIVCON)

Wodonga TAFE is proud to introduce A3CIVCON, a short course dedicated to providing insight and basic skills for secondary school students who are considering a career in Civil Construction


Important Course Information

This short course will run subject to minimum & maximum numbers:

Min: 10 Students | Max: 15 Students

What to wear:

You are required to wear long pants of a sturdy nature, enclosed footwear, and sun/wet weather protection.

Meal Breaks:

There are NO canteen facilities available at our Logic  or Shepparton Campus. A student lounge is available with coffee and tea making facilities. There are vending machines with limited options available otherwise bring your own food and drinks when undertaking a course at our Logic or Shepparton Campus

Student Absence / Attendance

  • Parents/guardians are to notify home school of any absences.

  • Secondary Schools are required to notify Wodonga TAFE of any student absences.

  • Student absences can be emailed to or Phone Wodonga TAFE on 02 6055 6656


Student absences result in missed learning, and/or assessment opportunities. Nonattendance may therefore lead to unsuccessful completion of a unit.

Student Illness / Incidents

If a student falls ill whilst attending class at Wodonga TAFE, we will contact the school and parent/guardian to organise to have them picked up.

In the event of any incidents or accidents Wodonga TAFE will contact the school and a parent/guardian will be notified immediately to determine what action is required.


While attending Wodonga TAFE students are under the supervision of the trainer taking the class.

Wodonga TAFE will provide limited supervision during break times. Students will be provided with information regarding supervision arrangements.

Students must remain on TAFE grounds unless they provide Wodonga TAFE trainer or VDSS Lead with written notification from a parent / guardian or the school that they intend to leave the grounds earlier than the advertised class finish time.

Application Process

1. Please complete the Expression of Interest form here

2. A member of the Wodonga TAFE VDSS team will contact the nominated school person to discuss the students' suitability for the course

3. Students will be sent a link to complete an online application

4. The enrolment will be processed by the Wodonga TAFE student administration team. 

1300 698 233
RTO: 3097