Free TAFE & JobTrainer FAQs

Frequently asked questions

FAQs about Free TAFE

What is Free TAFE for Priority courses?
Free TAFE for Priority Courses is a Victorian Government initiative that aims to reduce the financial barrier for students wanting to train in courses that lead to jobs in demand from Victorian employers.

Who is eligible for Free TAFE priority courses?
 Find out if you’re eligible at

What courses are offered as part of Free TAFE for priority courses?
The tuition-free priority course lists includes a range of non-apprenticeship courses as well as courses that provide pathways to apprenticeships (also known as pre-apprenticeships. Find the full list of courses available as part of the Free TAFE priority courses at

Will this cover all my fees?
If you’re eligible, Free TAFE for Priority courses pays the tuition fees for your whole course. TAFEs may charge for other fees such as student services or material fees that you may have to cover yourself. 

How many Free TAFE for Priority courses can I do?
This will depend on the occupational pathway of the courses. For more information visit the Victorian Government's website at

Can I do a course that’s not on the Free TAFE for Priority courses?
Yes, however you will need to pay the tuition fee and costs associated with that course.

If I do a Free TAFE for priority course, will I get a job?
The tuition-free priority courses are in industry areas where there are likely to be more jobs in the future. When you complete your course, Wodonga TAFE's Skills and Jobs centre can help you search for a job and support you to prepare your resume, help with interview preparation, and anything else relating to careers and job seeking.

How will free TAFE for priority courses affect my eligibility for future government-subsidised training?
Free TAFE for Priority courses are treated the same way as any other course you have undertaken, for the purpose of determining whether you are eligible for further Victorian Government-subsidised training.

Can I access the Free TAFE Pathways option if I have started/completed a JobTrainer funded course? 
If you have accessed Free TAFE previously under the Job Trainer initiative, you may be able to access another Free TAFE course depending on your individual circumstances. Contact us on 1300 698 233 to discuss your options.

Where can I find out more information about these funding initiatives?
Find out more by visiting the Victorian Skills Gateway or calling the TAFE and Training line on 13 18 23, or talk to our friendly Customer Experience team, phone 1300698233. 


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1300 698 233
1300 698 233
RTO: 3097