Skills for Education and Employment program (SEE)

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program is funded by the Australian Government and provides language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment and training to eligible job seekers, with the expectation that such improvements will enable them to participate more effectively in training or the labour force.
The SEE program aims to provide learners with low levels of literacy and numeracy the opportunity to build confidence, re-engage with learning and further develop the digital literacy and employability skills required for effective participation in the workplace or further education. Training may be offered in both part-time and full time mode and can be tailored to meet individual learning requirements.
Eligibility requirements
Eligible jobseekers are entitled to access 800 hours of training within a 2 year period. To be eligible for the program, an individual must be:
- of working age (15-64 yrs) and are looking for full-time work; and,
- registered as a job seeker with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and eligible for jobactive, ParentsNext, Transition to Work, Disability Employment Services (DES) or Communities Development Program (CDP) assistance; and,
- deemed suitable for training without any barriers that would prevent successful participation; and,
- either an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or have working rights in Australia; and,
- meet one of the following criteria:
- be in receipt of one of the following payments:
- Youth Allowance
- Newstart Allowance
- Disability Support Pension
- Parenting Payments (single and partnered)
- Community Development Employment Project (grandfathered participants)
- Widow Allowance
- Widow B Pension
- Partner Allowance
- Special Benefit, or:
- aged 15-21 years irrespective of whether they are receipt of income support, or,
- migrants serving the two-year newly arrived residents waiting period (NARWP) for income support.
- not be a full-time student at the time of referral;
- not be enrolled in the Australian government's Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) or any other program that we may advise from time to time;
- have not completed the program (800 hours) within 6 months of the referral date; and,
- have not withdrawn or been suspended from the program within 12 weeks of the exit date, except where the client is transferring to a new provider.
If eligible you must attend a pre-training interview at Wodonga TAFE
If accepted into the SEE program you must meet mandatory participation requirements as part of the mutual obligation, work for the dole, or job search activity.
- 20-25 hours per week constitutes a full-time load.
- 10-19 hours per week constitutes a part-time load.
More information
Contact your Job Active or Centrelink if you believe you are eligible and would like to discuss the referral process.
Contact Wodonga TAFE if you would like further information about the SEE program. Phone 1300698233 or email