What is a training contract?


What is a training contract?

The training contract is a legally binding agreement between the employer and apprentice or trainee (the parties) for the term of the apprenticeship or traineeship. A completed and signed training contract is utilised to register an apprenticeship and traineeship and protects both the employer’s and employee’s interests and outlines each party’s obligations, including the training and supervision that must be provided. The training contract comprises:

  • qualification to be undertaken
  • estimate of how long it will take to complete
  • number of hours in training and employment provided each week
  • each party’s obligations to each other
  • what to do if there is an issue
  • off-the-job and on-the-job training arrangements.

The training contract sign-up and registration is facilitated by Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (ACAPs) and approved by the State Training Authority (STA).

Development of a training plan
Once a training contract is registered, the apprentice or trainee and employer (and parent/guardian/school if required) will work with the chosen Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to develop the training plan. The plan will outline what training is required and where/when it will be delivered.

Completion of the training contract
Once an apprentice or trainee and the employer agree that the apprentice or trainee has successfully completed all the requirements of the training plan, they can commence the completion process with the training organisation. The apprentice or trainee will receive two certificates. The training organisation will issue the qualification certificate demonstrating that the qualification has been completed. The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (Australian Government) will issue the completion certificate proving that the apprentice or trainee has acquired all the skills of the apprenticeship or traineeship.

For further information, contact an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider: Apprentice Connect Australia Provider | Australian Apprenticeships

1300 698 233
RTO: 3097