Our Partners

Our partners

In some instances, Wodonga TAFE uses subcontractors for training and assessment services, as approved by the Higher Education and Skills Group, a department of the Victorian Government.

HESG approved subcontractor for training and assessment services Qualifications/courses to be subcontracted Wodonga TAFE delivery department
Kool Kids Training College
(ABN 34 159 863 608)

CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Community Services and Health

Mental Health Victoria
(ABN 79 174 342 927)

CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work

Community Services and Health

Tibbar Global Pty Ltd Flight Centre
(ABN 55 126 180 112)

SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel

SIT40116 Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism

Education and Vocational Skills 
Bald Hill Training PTY LTD Certificate IV in Wool Classing Educational Vocational Skills 


1300 698 233
RTO: 3097