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Chief Executive Officer
Phil currently provides leadership and advice to the Wodonga TAFE and GOTAFE Board’s on establishing objectives, policies, priorities and plans in support of operational and strategic objectives for both organisations. This is an Acting CEO capacity for GOTAFE. Phil brings a strong commercial background, and 9 years of experience within the TAFE sector to support the delivery of the strategic objectives of the Board, and providing Vocational Education to support our students, our industries and our communities.
Executive Director - Community, Engagement & Experience
Victoria’s key focus is on developing the Wodonga TAFE brand and services, and she is responsible for how Wodonga TAFE interacts with community and industry. The portfolio comprises three departments, Marketing and Communications, Community and Industry Engagement, and Experience and Support (incorporating the Wodonga Skills and Jobs Centre) to achieve the strategic objectives of Wodonga TAFE. Collaboration, engagement and awareness are critical to Wodonga TAFE's success. Victoria has the responsibility to create, develop, and nurture business and community partnerships. Victoria provides strategic advice to the CEO regarding the perception and interaction Wodonga TAFE has with regards to community, industry and government.
Executive Director - Training Transformation Solutions
Damien’s role encompasses creating, developing and nurturing strategic partnerships for Wodonga TAFE. Damien is the Contract Manager for all Wodonga TAFE Defence contracts, and is responsible for training strategy, while seeking and creating new strategic partnership opportunities. Damien focuses on the key aspects of governance, business strategy, stakeholder relationships and contract negotiations, all coinciding to develop and deliver on the community, government and economic objectives of Wodonga TAFE. Damien’s role provides leadership and support capability to Defence as a Wodonga TAFE partner to develop further capability to service Defence as a key client. Damien provides both on and off-site strategic oversight and management of all strategic and operational functions in relation to Defence training capability and development. Damien is supported in his role by the Wodonga TAFE Defence Support Services team.
Executive Director - People & Capability
Carolyn has the responsibility for the development and implementation of strategic human resource management and capability to build and maintain a positive high performance culture through programs and processes designed to increase individual and organisational capability, productivity, satisfaction and well-being through investment in Wodonga TAFE's people. Carolyn also oversees Wodonga TAFE's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) department, industrial relations, employee relations, workforce development, and change management processes.
Executive Director - Education & Training
Graham is responsible for providing leadership and strategic advice relating to Wodonga TAFE’s domestic education and training portfolio. The education and training portfolio comprises the five delivery departments of Community Services and Health (CSH), Industrial Skills and Trades (IST), Education & Vocational Services (EVS), Transport and Logistics (incorporating DECA), and the Army School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (ASEME). Graham also leads the Wodonga TAFE Board of Studies which provides the governance structures supporting Wodonga TAFE's delivery profile and ensures courses delivered meet the needs of the local community and industry partners.
Chief Finance Officer
Belinda is responsible for providing financial management, risk management, strategic planning, cost management and financial compliance management at Wodonga TAFE. Belinda is responsible to the Wodonga TAFE’s Board of Directors and Executive team to achieve the goals outlined in Wodonga TAFE’s strategic plan in the context of legislative frameworks, operational systems, facility management, financial sustainability and performance. Belinda has the key responsibility to lead, manage and report on financial and commercial performance, budgeting, treasury management, financial risk management, procurement, capital structure, internal controls, corporate governance, audits and assurance. As Chief Finance Officer, Belinda leads the Financial Services and Facilities teams at Wodonga TAFE to ensure aligned outcomes, adherence to policy and legislation, and sustainability.
General Manager - RTO Quality and Compliance
Chris leads multiple teams that ensure the high quality and compliant delivery of Wodonga TAFE training and partnerships. These teams include Student Administration; TAFE Library Services; Educational Design and Technology; Apprentices, Trainees and Partnerships; and Quality Learning and Teaching. Chris has an overarching view of the student journey with Wodonga TAFE, from a training and assessment viewpoint - from enrolment to receiving a qualification, certificate or statement of attainment. Chris ensures the adherence of Wodonga TAFE to VET Quality Framework and funding requirements. This further assures the quality and accountability of Wodonga TAFE's delivery to students and the compliance of our interactions with our key markets.
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