Generalist counselling


Generalist counselling

We recognise that a supportive environment contributes to the success and confidence of our students at all stages of study. Most of the time, tertiary study is interesting and stimulating. However, sometimes personal or academic difficulties intervene.

Confidential counselling is available to all students about any issues which may arise and present difficulties during a course of study. The service is free to students. Counselling staff are highly qualified and experienced and available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Issues which may arise include:

  • personal and relationship problems
  • health mental health issues
  • study stress
  • balancing life, work and study

Book an appointment here or contact Wodonga TAFE Customer Experience team on 1300 698 233.

Phone 1300 698 233 | Email 

Useful links

Albury Wodonga Mental Health Services

Beyond blue


Reach Out

Still got questions?
1300 698 233
1300 698 233
RTO: 3097