Disability liaison


Disability liaison

If you’re considering a TAFE course and you have a disability, a mental illness, a medical condition, or additional learning needs, Wodonga TAFE’s Support Services team can provide services to support you, to ensure you can participate fully and equally in all aspects of student life.

When you plan your TAFE studies, consider talking with the staff from Support Services to find out more about the range of services available to help you participate in and complete your studies. Everything you say to Support Services staff is confidential unless you agree to them sharing the information. It is a choice whether you disclose, what you disclose, and who to. It is not compulsory to disclose any information – this is your choice. 

We advise you to meet with Wodonga TAFE’s Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) as soon as possible, as the DLO can ensure that appropriate strategies for participation and learning are put in place. The DLO can suggest and negotiate appropriate 'reasonable adjustments' that can be made for support so that you can successfully complete your studies. Reasonable adjustments vary, and may include:

  • assistance with applications and enrolments
  • additional in-class assistance
  • one-on-one or group tutoring
  • providing assistive and adaptive equipment such as voice-to-text or screen-reading software
  • learning resources in alternative formats such as enlarged fonts, braille, electronic, or mp3 format
  • alternative assessments such as exams over extended periods of time
  • library or research assistance
  • participation assistance such as a note-taker in class
  • ergonomic equipment such as trackballs, large screens, and so on
  • assistance to access grounds and buildings
  • identifying learning disabilities or learning support needs
  • providing sign interpreters
  • liaising with external agencies.

Contact the Disability Liaison Officer for more information.

Phone 1300 698 233 | Email info@wodongatafe.edu.au 

Book an appointment here or contact Wodonga TAFE Customer Experience team on 1300 698 233.

Useful information

Further information for students with a disability can be found at the following websites.

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training 

Australian Human Rights Commission 


Regional Disability Advocacy Service

Disability standards in education 

ADCET Inclusive Technology 

Wodonga Council Disability Services

Free TAFE opportunities

Wodonga TAFE has FREE TAFE options for eligible students. 

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1300 698 233
RTO: 3097