Skills and Jobs Centre Appointments

Skills and Jobs Centre Services

Careers Counselling
The careers service within Skills and Jobs at Wodonga TAFE offers you a FREE assessment that guides you to use your skills and/or qualifications to help you connect with the world of employment or further education. 

Just some of the services our qualified careers counsellors can help you with are:

  • career pathway options
  • course selection
  • identifying your employability skills
  • improving your knowledge of the world of work
  • acquiring job-seeking skills. 

These individual, one-on-one sessions can cover things such as:

  • who am I? (self-awareness)
  • what's out there for me? (identifying possibilities)
  • how do I succeed? (decision-making and planning)
  • when do I start? (implementing your plan).

Job Ready Appointment
Wodonga TAFE Skills and Jobs team are there to support you in all things related to career and study. They offer advice on resume's and can work with you to have your resume "job-ready", can help you with your cover letter, key selection criteria, interviews, or online applications.

If you would like more information, please contact our friendly Customer Experience team on 1300 698 233.

Eligibility disclaimer: To be eligible for these services you must be an Australian resident and/or VISA holder with either a Victorian OR Riverina / Murray, NSW postcode. 

Book an appointment

Please choose the location of where you'd like to have your appointment.

McKoy Street Wodonga TAFE campus

Lawrence Street TAFEspace campus
1300 698 233
RTO: 3097