DECA Background

Background and brief history

For decades DECA has led the way in preparing and assessing tens of thousands of Australian road users for all their driving needs. Established as a training complex in the Goulburn Valley 4 November 1974, DECA has since grown into the nation’s premier provider of driver education and training services, working alongside some of Australia’s largest industries, sharing knowledge and expertise to develop a wide range of engaging and industry-relevant courses.

With over 50 years' experience in the driver training market, DECA is regarded as Australia's leading post-licence driver training provider of Heavy Vehicle Licence upgrades in all categories. As a division of Wodonga TAFE, we offer seamless, collaborative delivery of complete driver training programs. DECA delivers world class, post-licence programs in unison with Wodonga TAFE's innovative resources and comprehensive solutions packaging.

Innovative learning solutions provide DECA clients with flexible, customised training opportunities across Australia that emphasise improvements in driver safety, efficiency and environmental footprint. Our success comes from years of experience in turning drivers into professional drivers. This not only sees our clients achieve positive cost and efficiency outcomes, but can significantly heighten the driving culture across an entire workforce.

Vision and mission

Vision: To be Australia’s centre of training excellence and innovation in road transport and warehousing

Mission: To make a meaningful contribution to the safety of Australian Drivers and to the health of the transport industry and our environment to create a safe environment for all road users
1300 698 233
RTO: 3097