What support is available for Apprentices and Trainees?


What support is available for Apprentices and Trainees?

Apprenticeship Support Program - Victoria

The Apprenticeship Support Program provides support to young apprentices (aged 15 to 24) during their first year of training with 28 Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASOs) providing services to apprentices across Victoria.

The Apprenticeship Support Program assists apprentices to navigate the apprenticeship system through their first year as well as assisting them resolve issues as they arise. This provides apprentices with an independent advice and mentoring service to discuss issues that may impact on their apprenticeship, including not only workplace or training issues but also personal issues.

The Apprenticeship Support Program assists apprentices to contact other services such as Centrelink, Fair Work, and WorkSafe Victoria. ASOs can assist with referrals to other support services and provide assistance and support for apprentices who lose their job, wish to change employers or look at a different field of study.

Apprenticeship Support Officers are located across regional and metropolitan Victoria and service areas are based on employer workplace location. For more information please contact Tony Ewart, Apprenticeship Support Officer, Upper Hume region.

Phone 02 6055 6757 | Mobile 0400 877 425 | Email aewart@wodongatafe.edu.au


Skills and Jobs Centres

Based in TAFEs across Victoria, Skills and Jobs Centres provide a range of services and access to expert advice and guidance on training and employment opportunities.

  • Careers advice
  • Assistance with job searching
  • Resume writing help
  • Apprenticeship and traineeship advice
  • Assistance in using the Victorian Skills Gateway website
  • Referral to welfare support and financial advice
  • Assistance in recognising existing skills and how previous experience can be transferred for future job opportunities or to undertake new training (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
  • Assistance with career and training plans, providing information on employment trends, helping to identify training
  • qualifications and opportunities that will assist in career transition.

For an appointment please phone 1300 698 233.


Academic skills & study support at Wodonga TAFE

Academic assistance for students, including support for culturally and linguistically diverse students, is provided at Wodonga TAFE. Following a consultation with the Academic Learner Support Coordinator, academic assistance is provided via a range of options.

  • One-on-one tutoring and support with assignment writing through proofreading and feedback
  • Participation in a group tutoring and study skills sessions offered periodically by Wodonga TAFE (including: how to plan and write essays, writing reports, maths for beginners, or advanced maths for engineering)
  • Time management skills
  • Computer skills
  • Exam preparation.

Contact the Academic Learner Support Coordinator for more information.

Phone 1300 698 233 | Email info@wodongatafe.edu.au


In-Training support

A number of Apprentice Connect Australia Providers offer in-training support, delivering tailored advice and support to eligible apprentices and trainees who require additional assistance in training.

  • Mentoring
  • Referral to local support agencies
  • Buddy and peer support
  • Access to online employability and life skill courses
  • Access to online support community
  • Psychology services


Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans

To support apprentices to meet everyday costs while undertaking training, eligible apprentices will be able to apply for Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans (Australian Government). These loans provide up to $21,078 worth of income-contingent loans and are paid monthly in arrears.

Apprentices will not have to repay the loans until they are earning an income above the minimum repayment threshold ($45,880 for 2019-20). To maintain the real value of the loans, the loan amount will be indexed according to the Consumer Price Index.

Apprentices who successfully complete their apprenticeship receive a 20% discount on their loan amount. Find out more information about Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans available via Financial support for apprentices | Australian Apprenticeships

Apprentices may also be eligible for other financial assistance programs.

  • Support for Adult Australian Apprentices
  • Living Away From Home Allowance
  • Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers will advise on the type of financial assistance programs available for employers and what the employee might be eligible for.

1300 698 233
RTO: 3097